Sports Medicine

At Levitas, we offer a range of treatments and therapies to help you with sports injuries. Whether you wish to prevent, treat, manage or recover from injury, we can offer both surgical procedures in-house, as well as non-invasive, progressive new treatments. Enhance your performance in your chosen sport and don’t let injury ruin your physical activity!

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP)

One of our most progressive ways to treat sports injury so you can recover from injury faster is Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy or PRP. During this regenerative treatment, we extract the plasma from your blood, concentrate it and reintroduce it to your affected area. This can help to effectively heal injured joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons.

Medical Shockwave Therapy

Suffering from a sports injury? Do you have pain in your joints, muscles or tendons? Medical Shockwave Therapy is a clinically proven treatment for soft tissue injuries. Levitas Clinic uses focused and radial shockwave as a combination therapy, stimulating and supporting the body’s self-healing mechanisms.

Joint Injection

Levitas Clinic offers both steroid and hyaluronic acid joint injections for an immediate pain relief option.

Book online, by email or by phone at a time that suits you. We are open 7 days a week from 07.00 am to 20.00 pm