The NoMAD Lifestyle Plan is based on the concept of autophagy. Autophagy, in essence, it is the body’s mechanism of getting rid of all the broken down, old cell machinery when there’s no longer enough energy to sustain it. We can create autophagy by fasting.

Fasting can be described as a process that in some way reverses the aging process by getting rid of old cellular junk and replacing it with new parts. Fasting not only promotes autophagy, but it also stimulates release of growth hormone, which rejuvenates the body further.

What is the NoMAD lifestyle plan?

The NoMAD lifestyle plan is a unique approach to fasting and autophagy developed by clinicians at The Levitas Clinic. Based on extensive research, the NoMAD lifestyle plan recognised the importance of balance by supporting the need for micronutrition.

What is different about the NoMAD-Plan from other fasting protocols is medical supervision including adequate nutrition via drip increasing which likely eliminates risks of prolonged fasting. The NoMAD Lifestyle Plan is medically supervised and takes into account the need for micronutrition support.

We incorporate iVitamin drips which help support the fasting. We provide vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and NADH on a weekly basis. This vitamin and mineral support enables you to safely manage fasting and autophagy.

At every stage, your plan is overseen by an experienced clinician.

What are the benefits of an autophagy fasting diet?

  • Protective role in the nervous system and immune system
  • Protects against metabolic stress
  • Encourages growth of new cells, especially those in the brain and heart tissue, enhancing brain (cognitive function) and protecting against heart disease
  • Improves hormone levels
  • Helps improve digestive function by repairing and restoring the gut lining
  • Helps to protect our genes by maintaining the integrity and stability of our DNA

The Process – Autophagy (fasting)



Debris, old DNA and protein plaques that are damaging, causing cancer, dementia, autoimmune disease and ageing.


Cells Picking Up Debris

Through autophagy fasting the ‘autophasome’ cell picks this debris up.


The Red Cell

The red cell is a lysosome, that comes in and breaks the debris into it’s smaller components.


New Cells & DNA

This is then made into new cells and DNA – Proper Human Cell recycling that the majority of wealthy populations are not ever using and rapidly ageing earlier (living longer but in old age !)

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