Tania Adib
The Levitas Clinic works in partnership with Tania Adib. We align our procedures and practices with the leader in this field in order to provide the best possible practice for our patients.
Miss Adib is a specialist in Regenerative Gynaecology, she has extensive experience in innovative non surgical vaginal rejuvenation using radio-frequency and laser techniques. Miss Adib has recently developed her interests in the use of Stem Cell (Lipogems) use in Vulval and Vaginal rejuvenation and is the most experienced Consultant in this field in the UK. As well as providing support to The Mews Group in South East England , Miss Adib runs specialist clinics in London.
Following her graduation as a doctor from The Royal Free Hospital, Miss Adib undertook further specialist training in Gynaecology at major teaching hospitals in London including University College Hospital, St Mary’s Hospital and Queen Charlotte’s Hospital. After completing specialist Oncology training at the Royal Marsden Hospital, Miss Adib was appointed to Queen’s Hospital and St. Bartholomew’s (Bart’s) Hospital in 2010. She is the Lead Clinician for colposcopy at Queen’s Hospital and specialises in the treatment of abnormal cervical screening test results. She also runs a specialist clinic treating vulval disorders.
Through Miss Adib’s work as a trustee for the Breast Cancer Haven charity, she has become an expert at managing the menopause either with conventional hormone replacement therapy or with non-hormonal treatments, including cases of premature menopause. She is proficient in the use of Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy which she is able to incorporate in her extensive repertoire. Miss Adib is fluent in English and German and can also speak basic Arabic and French. Miss Adib is an active member of professional societies to ensure her practice is current and up to date.
- Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG)
- British Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (BSCCP)
- British Society for the Study of Vulval Disease (BSSVD)
- British Menopause Society (BMS)
- International Menopause Society (IMS)
- British Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (BSGE)
- British Gynaecological Cancer Society (BGCS)