Summary: Methylene Blue and Red Light Therapy for Neuroprotection and Wellbeing Elevate your cognitive function and overall wellbeing with the dynamic duo of methylene blue (MB) and red light therapy. These groundbreaking treatments synergise to enhance mitochondrial...
Bloating Beware: A Tiny Valve’s Big Impact Struggling with bloating and indigestion? The real culprit might be smaller than you think. Scientists have zoomed in on the ileocecal valve (ICV), nestled between your small and large intestines, revealing its...
Lyme disease, caused by the bacteria Borrelia Burgdorferi, is a prevalent and growing public health concern. With the bacteria having the potential to affect the muscles, joints, organs, and the central nervous system, chronic Lyme Disease can have severe and...
The NoMAD lifestyle plan is Levitas Clinic’s unique reverse-ageing programme, focusing on fasting and autophagy to detox the body of cellular debris, helping you achieve maximum functionality. Combining our holistic investigation and micronutrition support with the...
In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be a challenging task, especially when it comes to dietary choices. Many individuals struggle with digestive issues, skin problems, fatigue, and other unexplained symptoms that may be related to...
Detoxify. Rebuild. Repair. The NoMAD lifestyle plan is a unique approach to fasting and autophagy developed byclinicians at The Levitas Clinic. Based on extensive research, the NoMAD lifestyle planrecognised the importance of balance by supporting the need for...